Friday, February 24, 2006

"About SF" resource centre

JIM GUNN, of the Center for the Study of Science Fiction, University of Kansas, writes:

"Through funds contributed by SFRA, SFWA, Tor Books, and a couple of individuals, we have implemented an idea proposed by David Brin to create a half-time graduate position here as a Coordinator of Volunteer SF Activities. The first person to hold that position is Thomas Seay, a graduate student pursuing an MFA. The first fruit of that project is the website. The most complete part of the project is the Speakers Service. Any of you who are willing to give talks about SF, particularly at local schools but in statewide or national venues as well, can list your names on the site and indicate what topics you are qualified to address and a range of honoraria. You can read more about it on the site.

We also hope to make the site a repository for information about the teaching of SF at the primary, secondary, and university levels."