Tuesday, November 11, 2014

From Jean-Claude Dunyach:
A new – unprecedented – anthology of French SF, Dreaming 2074, has been released November the 3rd both in French and English. And it’s free (electronic version only)…

It was a project of the French luxury industry that decided to explore what the year 2074 could be, and to imagine a possible common utopia. 

It was an exciting project, that will be officially launched in New York the 10th of December at the French Bookstore l’Albertine.


You can download it in various formats (ePub 2 and 3, Mobi, pdf) here : http://www.dreaming2074.com/?_ga=1.63077871.1779208177.1415173961  or on Amazon, etc. (http://www.amazon.fr/Dreaming-2074-Created-collective-Colbert-ebook/dp/B00P7RHDY2/)